
The Video converter I needed

Handbrake it's an open-source video transcoder and a lifesaver!  For people that don't have a lot of time for transcoding or don't know a lot about video. I was trying to get working an OGM file on my TV and the format was not recognized by it. It even wasn't visible by Plex that is a great server-client app for organizing video. So I decided to convert those stupid files.  The solution... Handbrake it was like magic!  It let me: Choose the format to convert the files Select various types of files Remove annoying audio tracks on the file Add some subtitles  Force subtitles that were necessary for the video. So I give you the link for this miraculous and simple app that lets you work on all your videos at once. 64-Win_GUI.exe The web site for this guy is  go check it out.

I hate the PDF format

The other day I was trying to get a graphical novel from the web but the only format that I found was PDF. In some manner, I was sure it was all that I needed but the PDF format was messing with the images on my Kindle Paper White.  The solution: Extract the images. The problem: PDF. The PDF format its crap, because of everyone it's trying to get a piece of the action behind it. So every extractor, converter or creator costs money or its freemium(for paying later) or its a scam. I searched for an open-source way of a deal with it and I came across this tool. It was fantastic! Pkpdfconverter lets you export text images tex + images in an elegant and simple way the interface look kind of old but it deserves being checked out. Here is the link to the project in Sourceforge:

Free DNS setup for a domain showing a Blogger web page

I was very busy with some configuration for a friend's blog on Blogger. She was paying a fee for the DNS redirect from her national DNS service to blogger, and I help her to stop paying for that. I'll write the steps to reproduce the free DNS setup via CloudFlare, that by the way its an excellent way to manage the DNS for free. Step 1 In the first place, you need to add the domain to Cloudflare after creating an account in  Cloudflare . After that, we must provide the DNS of Cloudflare to our national domains service, usually, they are: Step 2 The next step it's to locate the "configuration area" in Blogspot > Settings > Basic > Publishing >  Blog Address > "+ Set up a third-party URL for your blog - Point your own registered URL to your blog." Step 3 In there is an input box for setting your domain URL including the subdomain www o blog or whatever... after you put i...

NativeScript/Angular for dummies (practical guide)

Soo I begin to wonder what to write next and the response now that I know that Phone/Cordova it's a stinky pile of s... is clear to me now... This is a thing that I'll surely regret try or write for in some years but let's begin with some easy tutorial for NativeScript. The way I see it the only cool wat to see this is via the internal app for the playground of the team: Playground NAtivescrip Android for practically we will use Android because we all know that iOS sucks. First, let's install the CLI npm install -g nativescript The requirements for a full build of an app are here: Then we proceed to make a new app: tns create HelloWorld --template tns-template-blank-ng And for last we try to see our magnificent app in the preview panel: tns preview This will throw a QR code that we can scan with our playground app and the app will just pop up in the phone. Well, that's for now, a little guide ...

Making a scraper in Node.js...

Let's make a multi link crawler for a multi page query in a web page listing jobs opportunities. First let's make a module of it, in a separate file from our server in node whatever it is and we gonna call it with var worker = require( 'worker.js' ); It will be called with this sentence from our express router or whatever you are using. First we gonna need two libraries  var request = require( "request" ); var cheerio = require( "cheerio" ); One for making requests more easy(request) and another for making jQuery available on the server side(cheerio). Now we need the list of pages of the main web site, this one makes a default paged list with the jobs listed that day in in one link, and paginates on base of that link so... var url = "" ; Now for exporting this function to the node server we gona make a "start" function ...

The file conversion solution!

So... Last night, I was dealing with a stupid pdf file, this one in particularly was having a core data for a my next app, a perfectly well formed xls inside a stupid pdf file, the solution: In seconds I was able to convert every file to xls, now the next problem after export the formatted xls to csv, was the conversion to json itself. That I resolve with this web app: So the steps are various, but the effort its minimal. Good luck with your conversions! bye

Check if Mongoose it's already conected

You can tell if mongoose is already connected or not by simply checking: if(mongoose . connection . readyState){ } 0 = no 1 = yes